Friday, August 29, 2008


well, day before today 60% stress was deducted, but from the last second onward, another 50% has just drive me back to ridiculous vexation. G** damn it!! how come things just go on and on- without ending!!. this ' without ending system' just goes to most of the people around me. And this topic just sudden hit up among us. We no longer sparks up our conversation by the lame but realistic " hey~how are you?". but now, we start up by asking "hey~ how was assignment going?". =.=... come on~~ please! i hope this will come to the end really soon.

however, this evilly situation still not enough to vanquish my insignificant but impregnable soul. well... the other part of my life still going comfortably. weeks after weeks, people starts running closer in the college. foundation starts building up.

let this part to be included

physic module have always been the most frequent chit chatting topic among my classmate. well, don't be silly~~ we are totally not enthusiasts with the module ( or i shall only say, just me myself is not enthusiast with it ;p). its because we got a funky lecturer!! well, i fell glad that we have zero gap between us. we chat at MSN, we have meals together, we discuss our problem, at the end of the day i think the hidden power behind, that's pushing me to do well in studies is not just the boundary of teaching and learning, but the hard core feeling that, one have promise self to ensure great achievement as a return and shows that efforts that people has put on one is not squandered.

on the other day, this guy just spend his time with us again. and this time he is trying get some point of view form us as audiences, and have kind of rehearsal for himself. cause he is told to give a talk the next day, and its actually kind of competition. however, all in all it was just a great joke...the talk is all bout discriminating the opposite sex!!....hahaha....well, no doubt that was probably a pretty humorous talk...hahaha~~~ and i'm pretty sure if that time, there are ladies around, that guy will surelly get a tight slap or rotten egg throw on his face man!!! hahaha~~~

and he actually end up his talk with this crappy equation~~

girls = time + money


time = money


girls = Money2

well, money is always the root of all evil

so it simply means

girls = (square root of 'evil')2

so, simply means

girls = evil

but all in all man just LOVE evil....


it makes sense rite, guys!!~~~ Hahahahhaha.....